Indiana is home to over 70 different species of ants, some peskier than others. Some of them causing significant harm to property each year. They have reportedly damaged electrical wiring, shorting out circuits and putting homes at risk of fire. Carpenter Ants, for instance, cause millions of dollars of damage each year by chewing through the wood in people's homes and businesses. Sugar Ants and Tawny Crazy Ants infest kitchens, raiding your pantry and garbage cans. Leafcutter Ants destroy yards and gardens while creating their nests. Red Harvester Ants will also ruin your crops by stealing the seeds you plant. And you've probably seen
Pyramid Ants
creating mounds of dirt in your yard, then attacking once you unknowingly step on one. The
Allegheny Mound Ant
is another major issue. These ants create gigantic mounds that can reach 3ft tall and 6ft wide, and 6ft deep, and have hundreds of thousands of dangerous insects that are willing to attack when disturbed. Multiple mounds can be connected underground, and they are very aggressive bunch. These pests don’t sting, but powerful jaws will create a painful bite. These ants will destroy vegetation forty to fifty feet around the mound by biting the plant and then injecting it with formic acid. Large infestations have the ability to kill a tree. This ant will surely stick out with an orange and black coloring.